Friday 13 April 2012

Here's Daddy!

Wow, so, really happy with how this guy turned out. Sunday I undercoated my Great Unclean One and put a dark brown fleshtone drybrush over him. Monday night had various layers of green, giving him this look:
At this point I considered starting collecting Wood Elves because I'd be able to paint an epically mossy treeman. Tuesday night had me painting the flesh around any open wounds purple and putting red in the wounds. Boils got a coat of orange, the inside of his mouth and the larger wounds got some pink. His two tongues (one for each mouth) went red.

Wednesday night: small open sores are bright pink, maggots are brown, exposed spine is bone white, he's going to town. Sorry - rhyming again - couldn't help myself. His teeth, gross toenails and fingernails also get some bone white and all of the tiny worms going over him are painted orange.

Thursday had me painting his sword: I considered going for a green stuff slime blob hanging from it, but went with a glowy magical sword instead. No rust, this guy takes care of his things. Actually, I went with some rust on his flail; you'll see that soon.
Friday night and it's time to put a quick sheen of green over the boils before varnishing. I was quite happy with him at this point and didn't want to risk ruining it all with dipping, so I went with painting wood stain and varnish on the boils and bones followed by gloss over the rest of the model. Here he is in all his gory...glory.
Basing will be happen tomorrow if I can find a way to fit him on the 50x50mm. He's a Lord, so I think he deserves a particularly corrupted base.
            "You, you are unclean
             You, you are obscene
             You may say you are holy
             You may say you are the only
             You tell me your disgusting tales
             Like little wails
             But you are unclean..."
               -Unclean by Psychic TV           < Don't bother looking it up, it's an awful song

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