Sunday, 17 June 2012

Bawk bawk bawk.

So. Campaign. Nothing to report since my Empire opponent has a very different schedule of free time to me. It looks like we won't be getting our game in before the cutoff, so it'll be skipped; a bit of a shame since I was really looking forward to seeing if my crazy shenanigans would have actually worked.
I've decided to take the stance that he's stalling so that he won't have to play me. Bawk bawk bawk **does an incredibly annoying impression of a chicken**

Painting news: Larry is painted and based (finally).
A few hours were spent this weekend just on his base, which has impact craters around his hooves and flaming cracks opening in the ground.

Last weekend I had a quick 1200pt game against Beastmen. No pics were taken but I'll give a quick recap.

I took 40 Bletters, 6 Flamers, a Fiend, 10 Horrors and a Light Tzerald. And the Masque to add a bit of variety. I was facing a bunch of Gors, 3 Minotaurs (the game was basically to try them out), a Ghorgon, a chariot, and a couple of heroes (L4 with beasts).

I got 1st turn and did the usual, getting closer to charge range. Flamers picked off a Mino. Not a lot in magic.
He failed a swift reform in the Gors, which basically cancelled his movement. Minos moved unnervingly close to the Flamers. A poor roll for magic basically ended his turn.

I inched closer to be just out of likely charge range of the Gors. Flamers moved to the sweet spot between stand and shoot and long range against the Minos, which they ended up destroying anyway. Fiend went off to be alone for a while. Again, very little effective magic. Masque danced at the Ghorgon to reduce his leadership.
Ghorgon failed his frenzy and charged the Bletters. Gors and chariot moved to unfailable charge range. Wildform hit the Ghorgon, who won combat and Frenzy stacked. I passed instability.

Fiend moved to redirect against the Gors, while the Flamers moved to shoot at them. Masque danced at the Gors. Throwing 6 dice at Timewarp without a miscast lured out the Scroll. Flamers shot at the Gors, who panicked and fled, causing further panic and fleeing in the chariot. Chariot fled off the board. Bletters won combat this time, cancelling the Frenzy.
Rally failed and the Gors left the board. Ghorgon won combat and re-frenzied.

Fiend charged the flank of the Ghorgon, I got Timewarp off and the Masque danced at the Ghorgon. He was down to a single wound, so he ate a Bletter and healed by d3 (1, unfortunately for him). He broke and the Fiend caught him.

Next week we should hopefully be continuing to the next turn in the campaign. My Bletters will most likely be represented by something else because of this:
Now officially out of black spray. You may notice that they're looking a bit smaller than usual. That's because I chopped back their swords to make them easier to rank together. So goddamn sick of that.
Now they've got daggers of various shapes and sizes. I will call them... Bloodletter openers. I intend to paint them with an airbrush at least in part, which means painting outside, therefore during the day, therefore on the weekends. Hopefully shouldn't take too long.

That's all for this week, probably paint some more Nurglings before the weekend.

"Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk,
Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk,
Bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk, bawk."
 -A haiku about the Empire.

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