Friday, 8 June 2012

Battle of the Organ Gun

Right, update. The game between me and Digh Elves happened last weekend in the snowy lands near two Settlements of Destruction. I had 2600pts and he had 2650 from our mines, and I did a couple of things with my list that I haven't before.

For starters, I took 2 Tzeralds (Life and Death), although only one of them did anything beyond intimidation. Also took a Kherald on a Juggernaut and 2 units of 6 Flamers for the first time.

My opponent took Hordemasters and Phoenix Guard for combat and Seaguard to shoot. A Heavens Archmage  took care of magic for him, while a Repeater Bolt Thrower (hm, RBT) shot at Larry a bit. This was the opponent who destroyed my organ gun first round with archers last time we played, so I was out for revenge.

My army:

 His army (Goddamn eagles!):
 I did a shocking job of taking photos, so bear with me. First round I did the usual marching up, making sure to get everyone out of range of the Haunted Mansion before the shooting phase.
With 7 dice and being out of range for Dwellers, I boosted Caress of Laniph at his mage, throwing 6 dice and casting without a miscast. It was then that the Banner of the World Dragon was revealed in the Hordemasters and nothing happened. Sigh. In later discussions we decided that he should've tried to dispel it anyway, since I had 1 die left and would have kept directing magic that way if I thought I could. I got a few shots in at the Hordemasters and killed about 3, and there was much rejoicing.

Right away he moved the Horde into the building, creating a unit impervious to magic and shooting, and that could beat me easily in combat. Sonuvabitch. Everything else stayed eerily still. A gust of wind shot out of the windows of the house, pushing my BLs 3 inches away. Harmonic Convergence went on his RBT. The RBT fired at Larry, who was over 0.05 thanks to a long island iced tea and took a wound. Seaguard managed to knock over 5 BLs with shooting.

In turn 2 I moved everyone menacingly closer, although they tangled together a bit. Forgot to move up one of my Flamer units :( Got Dwellers off on the Seaguard and he failed to dispel, but I only killed 11 of the 50 that were there. Larry regained his wound. Shooting with my Flamers knocked out 11 more, which felt pretty good.
 I told you I did a terrible job with the photos. He charged a Fiend in the flank with an Eagle (2 actually, but one failed), and the Horde moved out of their house. Eagles moved to block charges and generally be annoying dicks. I blocked Iceshard Blizzard on my Flamers, and Harmonic Convergence hit the Hordemasters. Further shooting chipped away at my BLs, and combat between the Eagle and Fiend ended in a draw.

Charges were declared all over the place, with a Fiend and Larry charging the RBT and the Hounds charging an Eagle. BLs shuffled left to get through the gap, while my Life Tzerald moved right to prevent the Hordemasters from overrunning into him. The Death Tzerald failed his marching test, but still flew a good 10" to safety. Dwellers hit the Seaguard again, killing the general and a fair chunk of the unit. I miscast regrowth on the BLs, with a net result of turning 3 Horrors into Bloodletters.
Shooting at the remainder killed a few more, while the other unit shot at the Hordemasters.
Forgetting to reform my Fiend to face the Eagle made him lose combat by 2, but not taking any additional wounds. Then he failed his reform test. Not so great. Hounds decimated the Eagle and overran into the Seaguard. Larry's Dark Insanity gave him 13 attacks on the RBT, which avenged the Organ Gun nicely. He turned to face the Seaguard, while the Fiend overran into the last eagle. Mid turn:

 Swordmasters charged the empty Horrors. Magic was spent unnecessarily buffing them and they decimated the unit in combat. Hounds won theirs by 4, but the Seaguard hung around and reformed anyway. Fiend v Eagle just kept on going.
 We called it there, with me winning. Next turn would have seen Larry charging the Seaguard and the Life Tzerald getting the hell out of there to try Dwellers on the Phoenix Guard. Both Flamer units would have torn into the Hordemasters (likely chipping them down to less than 15) to weaken them against the Bloodletters.

As a reward for winning, my Bloodletters were named a regiment of renown (the Red Envelope) and gained Devestating Charge. In post-game we put down our armies on the newly enlarged map and effectively restarted the campain from turn 2. For next round I'm facing Empire with Cyrus, which terrifies me. On the plus side, I have 2900pts and get to see his list before I write mine, so this is my one and only chance of beating him.

For the purpose of the campaign, we're considering a 4+ look out sir against spells like Dwellers. I suggested the 4+ as opposed to 2+, but I'm even a bit iffy about that now. Those spells aren't cheap to cast, and a large part of why I use them is for taking out command. They were written that way because that's how the designers intended it, and if it wasn't then it would've been changed in an errata by now.
Taking the extreme case, if a character passes a look out sir and someone else takes the hit, then there's a chance (however small) that more models than there are in the unit could die, with the character surviving.

Anyway, topic for discussion later.

For avenging the Organ Gun, Larry has earned the right to be painted. Still a work in progress, but here's what I've done so far.
 Skin base:
 Wings cleaned up and hair painted:
 Wings base:
 Wings wash:
I'm giving him white armour to go with the theme, and when I base him it's going to be like he just landed with craters around his feet. That's the plan at least.

"There is no greater concern than knowing where the the lid for your scalpel is, but not knowing the location of the scalpel itself."

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