Wednesday, 30 May 2012

We're in the Badlands. Also, there's blood.

Campaign kicked off on the weekend with a long session of making the rules clearer to everyone and agreeing on others that aren't fully explained. We set up the currently half-sized mighty empires map (I bought a new set on Monday and it arrived today, so we'll fill it out and do another land grab this weekend.

We have an Empire, Dwarfs, Vampire Counts, two High Elves (which I will refer to from now on as Digh Elves and Ligh Elves to simultaneously reduce and increase confusion), and my Daemons.

In the random events at the start of the first turn, Empire lost a mine to the Vampires and a Fortress to bad luck, while Dwarfs lost a precious mine. Movement sent everyone off to war and challenges were declared between Ligh Elves and Dwarfs (who were between the Ligh Elves and my territory, that guy holds a grudge well), Empire and Vampires (to reclaim the mine), and me and the Digh Elves. We had no reason to fight, what with both of us invading the Vampires territory, but the others paired up first.

Rolling for mines led to +D6x50 points for me, Digh Elves, and Vampires, and a D6x10 point magic item for a Vampire Hero of Legend (he also got a relic).
Due to time constraints most of our games are going on this weekend, but Empire and Vampires got a battle in, with the Ghoul King on a Terrorgheist falling to cannon fire. Things didn't improve from there when the backup wizard lost his magic levels to a miscast. I didn't hang around until the end of it, but we declared the result with some interesting consequences.

For winning, Empire got a free D6x10 magic item (he rolled a 1, unfortunate.) and a relic.
For losing, one Vampire unit is now subject to stupidity for the next battle, and the army was pushed back towards the Capital.
Sonuvabitch  Ghoul King rolled a 6 on the character injury table, resulting in +1S.

I played a quick 1000pts against the Dwarfs to pass the time, and he went very artillery heavy. I took lots of units and Light.
First turn nearly killed the Scribes and knocked out a few BLs.
My turn killed off a few of the single infantry unit with magic, but also caused a Cascade that could have wiped out my Tzerald and lost me the game (it was Blood and Glory with only one standard). The epic explosion that occured took a wound off him anyway and killed just a single Horror.

Further shooting chipped back a few more BLs and again, nearly killed a Fiend. The Organ Gun messed up the Scribes, who acheived nothing but distracting artillery.
I got Timewarp off on one unit of BLs after Pha's was dispelled. Both Fiends charged but only one got in, taking out 2 crew before losing his single remaining wound.

Now within charging range, the dwarfs took their chance and charged the non-Birona BLs. We forgot Fear and I lost combat but passed my instability. All cannons fired at the Birona Letters, taking them down to the command models.

Birona Letters charged the weakened Grudge Thrower and the Fiend ran at the Organ Gun. I did the Timewarp again, this time on the BLs in combat with the infantry. Fiend won combat and the crew failed their test, but due to me never fighting artillery before they stayed there. Unless that's something special with Dwarfs. I dunno. Grudge Thrower was finished off and I overran into the cannon. After killing 7 to 2 wounds on the rank and file, they fled and were caught. Only after I got home did I realise that I forgot the ASF rerolls, not that it mattered.

We called it there and watched a bit more of the other game. I'd say that I won partly due to poor rolls by his characters, but mostly because I brought more units than he could shoot before I got to him.

Yeah yeah, no pictures this time. I'm assembling a Chimera and Manticore right now, so maybe next update.

Current campaign relic tally:
VC: 1
Em: 1
DiE: 0
LiE: 0
Dw: 0
DoC: 0

No quote either. I'm gonna go play Diablo.

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