I've left 2 standard bearers just holding poles for the moment; they'll be finished off when I paint some more rank and file to replace them.
Last weekend was mad fun. A 2000pt battle with 1200 of O&G on one side, 1200 of Beastmen on the other, and 800 each of Nurgle and Khorne to help each of them out, respectively.
Rolling dawn attack resulted in some epically bad deployment, with everything being deployed to either the centre or each side's left. We rolled a civil war (Garden of Nurgle, and General dies, you lose. We made this the non Daemon generals since they had the bigger armies.)
Highlights of the game:
- Bad chariot placement (too close) got it charged by Nurglings, tying it up and eventually killing it
- Herald of Nurgle and his unit charged a Ghorgon and got Miasma of Pestilence off, obliterating him without taking a wound
- A Bloodcrusher failed a march test 7.5" from the Mangler squigs. Next turn he got in and nobly sacrificed himself to save the Gors, taking like 11 wounds.
- HoN unit overran the Ghorgon into Flesh Hounds near a Shrine of Sigmar. Wards re-rolled but regen didn't. With Miasma still up, they didn't stand a chance. Overran again into Minotaurs. Miasma got up again and made them break from combat, getting caught.
- Bloodletters ran into some conga River trolls, killing them.
- NG bus and Gor bus got into combat in the middle of the board. Nets were used to great effect and they whittled each other down.
- HoN unit got into the back of the Gors and Miasma again worked to great effect. A devestating round of combat left them with just a couple of ranks left. Double ones miraculously kept the game going.
- Bloodletters charged the side of the NG. Savage Beast of Horros went off from the Greater Bray Shaman. Goblins netted themselves. Black Orc Boss declared a challenge to try to save himself from Bloodletter Killing Blows. Herald of Khorne graciously accepted.
- Horros and Firestorm Blade had the HoK at S10 with 6 attacks. Got 6 hits. 1 Killing Blow. Despite all that the Nurgle forces did (and the Beasts side being down to Bloodletters and Beast characters), it was a victory for the Beasts and Khorne.
- After that combat, the Plaguebearers stayed Steadfast by a single model. Had he died, they would have mostly exploded.
Frankly, I'm just surprised how I remained impartial through the entire game.
"Man, fuck Daemons."
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