never been so good to be evil. Rumours, leaks and teasers have been bouncing
around the internet of new Daemon models being released next month with a rules
update in White Dwarf; for the first time in over a decade I will buy a copy.
Considering the lack of
decent pictures available I’ll keep you entertained with a couple of pictures
of the OOP Horror models I’ve been working on this week. The musician:
Some of the new models
are plastics of old metal models (new, not recast in finecast – thank god).
Plastic Flamers, Screamers, Nurglings and Plaguebearers are included in here,
and I think I saw something about Fiends, Beasts and some heroes and lords as
Flamers and Screamers are
allegedly getting a rules update (nerfing one and buffing the other). I would
hope that Plaguebearers would be getting updated too - no point in releasing
the models if there’s no great reason to buy them.
Someone started a rumour
of Bloodletters being nerfed to S3 with great weapons. Word is that it’s just
someone making stuff up, but unless it were accompanied by a decent price drop
then it would just be ridiculous. Plaguebearers are supposed to be the slow
ones, damnit.
The big excitement is the
new additions to the army. First of all: Soulgrinders. They’ve been around in
40k for a while and I’m a bit torn on them. On one hand we have a new big
gribbly thing, which is awesome. I’ve liked the model since I first saw it too,
and even considered buying one just to paint it. On the other hand it doesn’t
fit too well aesthetically with the rest of the Daemons army (although
Juggernauts seem to have gotten away with the mechanical look alright). I’ve
heard that he’s going to be something like T7 with 5 wounds and the option to
act as a stone thrower or grapeshot. Purely from the look of the model I’m
expecting him to want to get into combat too, so hopefully they aren’t move or
fire weapons. He’s going to need a massive base I think. Apparently the GDs
were too hard to hit with a cannon.
If it comes with the
option for giving it the mark of a God, then I may just have my excuse to buy a
Plague Hulk from Forge World.
Oh yeah, here’s my Horror
A bit of a blatant
reminder of the bad old days where they could only produce practically 2D
models, isn’t it? There’s a tail that I can attach but I’m not a huge fan of
the look of it.
Now for the actually new
new model, which is a Slaanesh chariot. It might be a 2 model kit (like the
Empire got with the Luminark/Hurricanum) for a regular style chariot and what
is being called a Hellflayer. It looks a bit like a Seeker-drawn combine
harvester, which is just a beautiful concept for me. It harks back to the good
old days in GTA: San Andreas when I drove farm equipment through crowded
streets. Fun times. I’m expecting it to work like a chariot with extra impact
hits or something, but having it damage enemies by moving through them like the
current Screamer/Hexwraith rules would be pretty epic.
I’ll be saying more once
I get my hands on the White Dwarf this weekend. TBH I don’t care if they do
what people who still think it’s 7th ed. want and nerf Daemons back
to hell. Doing so through a WD update gives them time to test out the changes
before a new army book so anything that goes too far can be switched back (or
anything that doesn’t go far enough can be taken further).
I’m not good enough at
writing lists or playing at the moment to be able to limit the strength while
remaining viable in a battle, so a nerfed army where I can bring whatever filth
I want and have no complaints would probably be good for me.
Whatever the outcome,
this is ideal for me: getting an update after long enough for me to have an
opinion on the changes without taking so long that I get bored with what I
I was getting worried
too; it’s been more than a week since I made a frivolous purchase.
A final word: non Daemon
models rumoured to be release next month include recast finecast High Elves and
Beastmen and an all new Great Bray Shaman model. I’m not seeing many people
bothering with the finecast considering the cost and quality problems that we
are all too familiar with being applied to old models, but the new stuff might
be worth a look.
"Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas,
I need to get myself away from this place.
I said yep, what a concept,
I could use a little fuel myself,
And we could all use a little change."
I need to get myself away from this place.
I said yep, what a concept,
I could use a little fuel myself,
And we could all use a little change."
-All Star by Smash Mouth
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