Friday, 6 April 2012

Productivity and Plaguebearers

Well it's already been a busy long Easter weekend; I never thought sitting down for an entire day would be so exhausting. I've painted and based almost all of my Nurglings in the past week and today I painted all 20 of my non-tentacle Plaguebearers.
First things first, I'm running out of 40mm bases thanks to these guys:

I'll forgive them because they're adorable. I decided to go with dipping for my Nurgle forces, which gives them a slimy look and also a durable finish thanks to the fact that they're dipped in wood stain and varnish. It also lets me learn to paint without any risk because it tend to cover up my mistakes.
The method I've been going with is supergluing a pin into the bottom of the model, dipping it, then flailing my arm about wildly to shake the excess off. I'm now in a significant amount of pain; I think I pulled a muscle.

Anyway, I ruined my first brush with some hehavy drybrushing on my Plaguebearers, who looked like this pre-dip:
And post-dip they look a little something like this:
Sexy. I'll be giving them a day to completely dry then basing them by the end of the weekend. Something tells me I'm not going to be swinging the Great Unclean One around if I dip him. He could do some damage if he got loose.
Next is... maybe some Flamers, my fez tentacles, GUO or the Heraldburger. I'll decide when the time comes.

"I can see inside you, the sickness is rising,
It seems that all that was good has died,
Oh no, the world is scary place,
Now that you've woken up the Daemon in me..."
           -Down with the Sickness as performed by Richard Cheese

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