Saturday, 31 March 2012

Battle report: Earth minute

Very quick roundup of the game this weekend, which coincided with a very half-hearted Earth Hour:
Everyone wrote up 2 separate armies; 1000pts as the main and 500pts in reinforcements. The reinforcements had to make it across a 4' board before the game in order to join the main army. My re-list had my Khorne Herald, 6 Flesh Hounds, 5 Furies and 2 single Fiends.
Every unit was affected by a Wind spell on a 4+ at the start of each turn, so they all got pushed around a bit (the Furies got over in 2 turns and got lucky enough to not be hit, otherwise they would have taken the Heavens Lore attribute hits). Everyone got different rule sets, but also got all of their guys across.

We rolled off and I was facing High Elves again. I had another 2 single Fiends in my main army (exploiting the separate armies rule a bit), along with 15 BLs and Daemonettes, 4 Screamers, a Slaanesh Herald, a Tzeentch Herald and 3 Flamers.
Elves had 20 Archers, 3 Eagles, a Mage, a BSB, Dragon Princes and Phoenix Guard.
Post deployment and mid-pizza we looked like this:
 Elves took first turn and moved the Eagles and Princes up. Magic and shooting focused down a Fiend and gave an Eagle Pha's Protection.
My reinforcements moved on and everyone moved forward. The FLOCK OF DOOM!! hit the Phoenix Guard (I need a shorter name for them... Phard). My Herald miscast and wounded both himself and a Flamer. :(

Phard shuffled backwards and the Dragon Princes... Pragons charged my Fiend. Eagles got in the way of my core and the rest of the turn was devoted to killing Fiends: shooting and Pragons did the job.
Core charged their respective Eagles and the Hounds moved to get in the way of the Pragons. My Screamers got the first kill by flying over the last Eagle. Hounds were wildformed in magic and the Eagles were cooked and/or overrun. Mid-my turn: 
 Pragons charged Hounds. Shem's hit my Tzerald, who warded it like a boss, and there was an epic fail of Pha's Protection:
 A bit of shooting took out 2 BLs and combat damaged both the Hounds and Pragons, ending in a Hound exploding in combat res.

Daemonettes, Fiend and BLs moved up to charge next turn, one Screamer got over the Phard. Tzerald Flocked the Archers and Flamers shot them up a bit more. Another Hound died bravely in combat.

Mage left the Phard and Archers reformed to shoot the BLs:
 Pha's protection got off and the last Hound took a wound, taking a Pragon with it. Awesome. Last photo:

Everyone charged the Phard (should have had one core move round the side). Screamers flew over the Mage - to no effect - and the Archers, killing a couple. After a Flock of Doom killed the Mage I got greedy with magic and dimensional cascaded while buffing my core. Tzerald exploded. Flamers killed a few more Archers and the last Hound died in combat.
Slerald died, along with a few of each core. Phard held their gound well and won combat, popping a few people.

Over the next few turns all my guys slowly fell apart while the Archers were finished off, and there was a surprising lack of ward saves on my side. Pragons joined in and the BSB killed my Kherald in a challenge. Elves won with the Pragons, BSB and Phard still alive, while I had Screamers and Flamers.

Still a great game and since they struck me down, I will become more powerful than the Elves could possibly imagine :)
Can't wait 'til next time.

"Oh, is that in the rules? I thought I was just letting you cheat."

1 comment:

  1. "I'm sorry, WHAT were the stats of your Flesh Hounds? All I'm hearing is 'Daemons are OP.'" :D
    EPIC match Smoko. Can't wait till next time either :)
