Cheery's Vampires had slain their own High Elves, so we played off to determine the winner of the tournament.
Determined to win and maintain his winning streak, he was so focused that he had also gained laser-eye status.
He was using 3 Vargheists, 2 Bat Swarms, 60 Zombies, 20 Ghouls, 6 Crypt Horrors, a mounted Necromancer (Master?) by the name of Snide, and a BSB Wight King.
In terrain we rolled 3 forests, a misty swamp, a banestone and a perfectly harmless farmhouse. Cheery deployed on the farmhouse side, allowing his Zombie horde to emerge from the freshly tilled soil.
After deployment we looked like this:
Everyone on my side was stuck down with yellow, but that didn't stop that flamer from falling over (and my Bloodletter standard bearer gave me grief for the entire day). My Furies were in the opposite corner of the board.
I got first turn again, so everyone did their standard shuffling; the Furies moved next to the banestone on their way to the battle. Magic left me with Throne of Vines on my Tzeentch Herald and both Shield of Thorns and Flesh to Stone on my BLs. A miscast got through the Throne and killed just one Horror. Flamers destroyed the brains of 5 Zombies.
Vampire turn 1 led to the Vargheists moving to protect the flank from the Daemonettes and Boobs the Fiend. Snide joined the Zombies and the Ghouls and CHorrors stayed put behind the swamp. Throne and Stone were dispelled during magic, and I was lucky to knock back Winds of Undeath.
My second turn had the Flamers moving to closer range, and Boobs and the Daemonettes moved within charge range of the Vargheists. Everyone else moved up as much as they could.
Magic went VERY well, with Throne being recast and a long range Dwellers being cast on the horde. 32 of the 55 remaining Zombies failed their strength test and were pulled into the ground, as well as both of his characters. Crumbling began to erode the rest of his forces.
One unit of Flamers shot at the Zombies a bit more, killing a few. The others shot at the CHorrors through the swamp, and we decided that it counted as hard cover since it would work that way in reality. No damage done there.
On his turn 2, crumbling continued and the Vargheists frenzied toward Boobs. CHorrors charged one unit of Flamers while Zombies did the others. Standing and shooting took out some more Zombies. Bats moved to face the Daemonettes. With Snide gone, magic was skipped and dispelling was forgotten. Close combat between the Vargheists and Fiend ended with a wound on the fiend, instability cost it another. Zombies were finished off by the Flamers and combat res, while the CHorrors squished the flamers.
My turn 3 had the Daemonettes joining combat and both the BLs and Furies turning to face the CHorrors. Flamers moved up to shoot at the CHorrors and to set up a rear charge on the ghouls (assuming they charged the BLs next turn).
Throne was dispelled then recast, Flesh to Stone failed, and Flickering Fire from the Horrors was dispelled. Shooting at the CHorrors had little effect, and combat ended in a draw.
Crumbling continued in his turn 3, and the Ghouls and CHorrors charged the BLs, while the remaining bat swarm charged the Daemonettes. Throne was dispelled again. Damage was done to the BLs, but not before they did their own damage to both units. Despite losing combat by 3, only one BL destabilised. In the other combat the Vargheists and Bat Swarm were cleaned up by combat res.
Turn 4 for me had the Furies charging the CHorror's rear, with the Flamers doing the same to the Ghouls. Daemonettes and Boobs moved to get into position to charge in case something went horribly wrong.
Throne was recast again and Thorns were put on the Bloodletters. This did significant damage to both attacking units, and at the end of combat (prior to combat res) it looked like this:
Combat res left him with a single ghoul left. We called it there and Cheery's winning streak ended. There's not a lot he could have done better and some very significant damage was done to my main unit despite him crumbling from turn 2. The luck involved in my wins (and this one in particular) was insane, with huge help from knowing the entire Lore of Life. Yeah. Master of Sorcery again next time.
With me winning the tournament I'm now able to set the rules for next time, so things are going to be... bigger.
"Winter is coming."
-George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones
Brilliant Game there, well done sir! Also great Battle Rep, you seem to just retain info like a sponge :D