Mini tournament this weekend, 1200pts for 2 Battleline battles. Winner picks the situation and points for next time. As an added bonus, an extra 200 victory points would go to anyone who wrote a background for their army - we all did it though, so it cancelled out.
One of the other players and I combined our stories to make the basis for a campaign involving my Daemons trying to take control of 5 High Elf temples. More on that as it develops.
I brought a bunch of core, mostly Bloodletters with Horrors to protect my Tzeentch Herald and Daemonettes just to make up my 3 core choices. There was also a small group of Furies, a Fiend, and 2 groups of 3 Flamers each with a champion. My HoT brought Master of Sorcery (Life) and HoK brought a battle standard and wore the Armour of Khorne.
If we rolled for random enemies it was before I arrived, but either way I was faced against my High Elf adversary for the first battle. We did the standard rolling for terrain (getting a mystery river, 2 forests and a magic circle, among other ordinary things). Following deployment, where I made it clear that I didn't know what I was doing by placing my Bloodletters first, the scene looked a little like below:
Once again I was relieved to see no archers, but he did his usual 3 groups of swordmasters, 2 eagles and some spearmen (or is it spearelves, we never quite decided on that). Following his experience with flamers last time around, he brought some Dragon Princes to counter. A mage sat in with the Spearelves, using Light.
I got to go first, so in a typical first move display my army shuffled up a bit and didn't do much. My HoT cast Throne of Vines on himself successfully, and my Flamers killed 4 spearmen. Woo.
On HE turn 1, they mostly just shuffled backwards. Eagles moved to block me and one discovered that a forest was Fungal. The swordmasters up the top free reformed and moved toward my Slaaneshi Daemons, while the Dragon Princes failed the test and just regular reformed.
Dispelling my Throne was forgotten and all the other magic failed horribly.
Bloodletters then charged an eagle and the Fiend and Daemonettes charged some swordmasters. Everyone else moved up, with the Flamers getting into position to fire, hoping to cause a panic to avoid getting charged. My Throne was dispelled and magic generally went badly for me, with nothing happening. The eagle died and my Bloodletters overran slightly into the forest. Flamers killed some swordmasters who didn't flee. Slaanesh combat went terribly and we forgot to roll for fear, 1 Daemonette was left standing and the Fiend died.
Shem's Burning Gaze proved too hot for the upper unit of Flamers, who lost the 2 non-champ models. Not much else happened in magic.
BLs shooed the pesky Eagle away, which fled a good 10". The remaining Daemonette slaughtered the entire unit of Swordmasters - this is a lie, she was torn into tiny little hermaphroditic pieces and they reformed to face the horrors.
I got a little lazy with the photos here, but here's what happened up to the next photo, which was taken part-way through the next HE movement phase:
My Furies flew over the Swordmasters, leaving them bewildered and alone. Flamers moved out of the way of the BLs and out of the sight of the Elves. BLs then moved up to pressure the Spearmen into a charge, but also leaving their flank open to the larger Swordmaster unit. Horrors shuffled sideways and wheeled a bit, determined not to find out what the other forest was.
In magic not a lot of note happened, but shooting led to the Flamers valiantly doing very little to the flanky Swordmasters.
Given the lack of real options, the Spears and Swords charged the Bloodletters. Not learning their lesson from last time, the lonely Swordmasters across the river crossed again and lost 2 more. The remaining Elf was lonely, but able to rent out the spare room on his movement tray to his brother-in-law, who had recently fallen on hard times... anyway, the Dragon Princes moved up, leaving the board looking like this:
The Eagle rallied and the Swordmasters way up top moved threateningly toward the Horrors. Birona's Timewarp was cast on the flanking Swordmasters, who subsequently failed their fear test and quivered with alarming speed. Bloodletters lost combat, losing one model to instability.
Recollection is a bit fuzzy here, but it went something like this: Thorns messed up the rest of the attacking Elves and the Flamers shot at (to little effect) the DPs. Single Swordmaster and DPs charge and get killed, either through combat or Thorns. BLs reform to face the Horror combat, which has begun and is going surprisingly well, despite Swordmasters in the front and an Eagle in the back. A lot of luck in ward saves keep them going, as well as a miscast which did more damage to the Swordmasters than the Herald's unit.
With a lucky charge the BLs flank the Eagle, although it makes little difference as Thorns is cast on the Horror unit and shreds both attacking units before anyone can land a blow.
It's a massacre, and the temple (and a Cadbury fruit and nut bar) is now secured for the forces of Destruction. Around this point, we consider that having access to the entire Lore of Life for 25 points may be a bit unbalanced.
Too late to change that for now though, since I'm using the same list for the next game: Vampire Counts.
"Your Herald looks like a hamburger."
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