Friday 28 September 2012


Ok fine I'll put it up. Most people have already seen it anyway, so meet Jasper:

 He's a Plague Hulk that I'll be using as a Nurgle Soulgrinder. Forgeworld make very pretty models.
 Because of the ridiculous pricing we have here in Australia, it's actually cheaper to get him sent from the UK via the official Forgeworld site than to just walk into a GW store here and buy one. He took me about a month all up to get done after painting started and is also the first model I've painted in pieces before assembling. I'd like to see him in action, so hopefully I'll get a game in sooner rather than later.

Speaking of games, the table is making some slow progress, currently looking like this:

 It's not entirely clear from the photo, but we've cut a frozen lake and river into it. Next we will be gluing it to the frame and putting snow over it before any details go into the lake and the river. All in good time.

In other other news, 10 more Bloodletters are painted and waiting to be based. I've gone with a different method of painting this time around and will put up a tutorial for it when I do the next set - only 30 to go!

 Next update will be either the tutorial or the completed board being put up. Should be a good one.

"That's disgusting. Nice work."
  -Various comments on Jasper

1 comment:

  1. That truly is absolutley disgusting. Brilliant work. I can't wait to kill it :D
